Do’s & Don’ts for Accommodating People with Hearing LossYou want what’s best for your loved one with hearing loss, and you’re willing to do whatever it takes to…
Professional Musicians are at Higher Risk for Developing Hearing LossWhen you think of dangerous jobs, you probably picture firefighters running into a burning building, or construction workers perched high…
How Treating Hearing Loss Improves Your RelationshipsDo you have a hearing loss? Not only does hearing loss reduce your quality of life and make it difficult…
I Can Hear, but I Can’t Understand. Do I Have Hearing Loss?Do any of these sound familiar to you? “The TV must be broken. The volume is up high, but I…
Why Does Hearing Loss Go Unnoticed?Why is it that so many people who seem to have trouble hearing don’t realize it? For most people, hearing changes…