Meniere’s Disease: Symptoms, Causes, and TreatmentsAccording to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), approximately 615,000 people in the United States are currently diagnosed…
How Weather Can Affect Your Hearing AidWe all know how the weather can affect our energy bills, our clothing choices, and even our moods. But have…
Avoiding Noise-Induced Hearing Loss in the WorkplaceNoise, or unwanted sound, is one of the most pervasive occupational health problems Americans face today. According to the Centers for…
Bluetooth Technology for Hearing AidsPhones, tablets, computers – in today’s world, we are constantly “plugged in.” Hearing aids of the past often limited the…
How to Help a Loved One Suffering with TinnitusAt its least, tinnitus is annoying. At its worst, it is a debilitating illness. It can make those suffering feel powerless,…
Hearing Loss and Brain HealthIt’s no secret that hearing aids can do more than just improve hearing. They can help with balance, anxiety, and general…
How to Maintain Your Hearing AidsThere’s no doubt that you benefit greatly from using your hearing aid. Your day-to-day life is easier, you have less…
Signs of Hearing Loss in AdultsSometimes hearing loss comes on suddenly and can be obvious to the person that his or her hearing has been…
What You Need to Know About Cochlear ImplantsWhile most people with hearing loss have success with hearing aids, there are some people with severe to profound hearing…
Tips for Talking to a Loved One About Their Hearing LossOf the 27 million people in the United States who suffer from hearing loss, only 6 million of them have hearing…