Your Options for Hearing Aid FeaturesImagine This For a conceptual model of exactly how common hearing loss actually is, picture an average size wedding party.…
How to Recognize The Signs When a Loved One is Experiencing Hearing LossHearing Loss is So Much More Common Than Most People Assume There are many reasons that explain why hearing loss…
Treat Your Hearing Loss to Improve Your RelationshipsThe Quiet Epidemic Hearing health frequently does not get the respect it deserves as a cornerstone of your quality of…
Talking about Hearing Loss – Why Your Disclosure Method MattersConsidering that each person’s experience with hearing loss is unique to them, there are so many unknown factors surrounding hearing…
Spring 2023 NewsletterHear from the experts! One of Whisper Hearing Centers main goals is to raise awareness about hearing issues within the…
Why People Avoid Scheduling a Hearing TestThe Importance of Hearing Health Though people most often fail to recognize it as such, hearing health is a cornerstone…
When Should Hearing Aids Be Updated?Do Not Delay If You Suspect You Could Benefit From a Hearing Aid Let’s begin here with some confounding statistics…
Ensuring that Age-Related Hearing Loss is TreatedYour Hearing Health is Your Overall Health Many people take for granted that they know the fundamentals of health. The…
This World Hearing Day, Let’s Work to Tackle Hearing Problems at the Community LevelWorld Hearing Day is observed on March 3rd every year, a global awareness day that sheds light on the importance…
Celebrate World Hearing Day: Ear and hearing care for all!Do you suffer from hearing loss? You may not even know it. Hearing loss often develops subtly, so you don’t…