Hearing Accessories and Assistive Listening Devices

Hearing clearly starts with excellent hearing aids that will let you effortlessly connect with the people around you. Quality hearing instruments are the foundation for improved communication and clear hearing. Along with hearing devices, hearing accessories and assistive devices can help you hear in tough listening situations, and ensure you are hearing each and every sound in your environment.
There are some listening situations that can be improved with a hearing accessory, and you can overcome listening challenges with assistive devices that will make it easier to hear on the phone, watch TV, listen to music, or talk in the car. Hearing aid accessories allow communication to be even more free and spontaneous in everyday interactions as they boost your hearing aid performance and keep you connected. Whisper Hearing Centers offers a variety of solutions that work alongside your hearing instruments to offer the best in hearing.

Bluetooth Technology
Remote Controls

Connecting to your TV
Do you struggle to hear the TV? Even with your hearing aids, you find yourself turning up the volume too high, or watching all your shows with subtitles. One hearing accessory that can change the way you watch TV is a wireless or plug-in accessory that can connect your devices directly to the TV. The television audio will be streamed right to your hearing devices, and you’ll get great stereo sound quality.
Cleaning Tools
Another important set of hearing aids accessories are your cleaning tools. To get the most out of your devices, improve sound quality, and increase the lifespan of your devices, daily cleaning is absolutely essential. Be sure you have the cleaning tools you need to keep your devices clean and dry, free of earwax, and safe from damage. Get a small, soft cleaning brush for hard to reach places, a soft, dry cloth, a small pick to clean the sound ports and battery compartments, and a dehumidifier to keep your devices dry.

Loud Environments
Conversations in Challenging Listening Environments
Do you struggle to follow conversations in background noise, and feel like you need a bit more help to hear? You can use an FM assistive listening system to help you hear clearly, and easily catch every word. This assistive device features a wireless microphone your speaking partner can clip to their clothing. The sound of their voice will be transmitted directly to your hearing aids, cutting out all the annoying background noise that makes it hard to hear. You could also place the mic in the center of the table, and you’ll hear all the voices you want to hear streamed right to your ears, and enjoy less background noise interference.