If you’ve had your current hearing aids for several years, it may be time to upgrade. Changes in your hearing or outdated technology may leave you with a hearing experience that is more frustrating than it has to be. If any of the following statements are true for you, it may be time to upgrade your hearing aid.
My hearing aid doesn’t work as well as it used to or needs frequent repairs.
Hearing aids typically last anywhere from three to seven years, depending on factors such as how well it’s made, how it’s maintained, and the wear and tear it is exposed to. Naturally, if your hearing aid needs frequent repair, or has stopped working altogether, it is time for an upgrade.
The sound quality from my hearing aid is not as good as I want it to be.
Like all technology, hearing technology has made major strides in the last few years. If your hearing aid is older, you will likely notice a significant difference between the sound quality from your existing hearing aid and what is currently available.
Some common issues with the sound quality from a hearing aid include the following:
• You have difficulty hearing on the phone
• Your hearing aids buzz, whistle, or give feedback
• You have trouble hearing conversations in noisy environments
• Hearing is more strenuous than it used to be
My hearing needs have changed at home, at work, or socially.
Changes in home environment, hobbies, or work situation often put new demands on your hearing needs. For example, moving to a bigger city may mean that you are frequently navigating busy city streets with noisy traffic. A new job may require you to spend a lot of time on the phone or in meetings. Your hearing aids may need to be upgraded or adjusted as your hearing needs change.
I want a more discreet hearing aid.
Modern hearing aids are nothing like the bulky, ill-fitting hearing aids of the past. Today, hearing aids are available in a variety of colors and sizes, made to blend in with the wearer’s skin and hair. There are even hearing aids available that are actually invisible from the outside, as they sit inside the ear canal.
I want a hearing aid that can connect with my phone.
Today, many hearing aids are made to be Bluetooth compatible, so they can connect with your phone, tablet, television, vehicle, and more! Bluetooth compatible hearing aids essentially act as a set of headphones, streaming audio from your device directly to your ears. This makes talking on the phone or using your device easier and more convenient.
Schedule an Appointment with Your Audiologist
As with anything related to your hearing aids, your audiologist will be the best source of information and advice. Make an appointment with your audiologist for help determining if you need new hearing aids.
At your appointment, your audiologist can perform an electroacoustic check of the hearing aids, which will give you objective insight into the hearing aids’ performance. Your audiologist will also be able to evaluate your hearing. Because hearing changes over time, it is possible that your hearing aids’ inadequacy is actually due to a change in your hearing, rather than an issue with the hearing aids. If this is the case, your current hearing aid may be able to be reprogrammed to accommodate minor changes in your hearing. However, if your hearing loss has progressed beyond the amplification capability of your current hearing aids, they should be replaced.
Contact Whisper Hearing Centers today to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced audiologists. Whether you need hearing aids for the first time or have been wearing hearing aids for years and just need an upgrade, we can help. Click here or call (317)865-2338 to schedule an appointment.