Featured image for “Prioritize Better Hearing in the New Year!”

Prioritize Better Hearing in the New Year!

The New Year is an exciting time to reflect and set goals. Committing to protecting your hearing health is a…
Featured image for “Loud Movies & Noise-Induced Hearing Loss”

Loud Movies & Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Have you ever left a movie theater on a quiet night and noticed your ears ringing? That sound usually goes…
Featured image for “How Smoking & Drinking May Affect Hearing”

How Smoking & Drinking May Affect Hearing

Our lifestyle choices unquestionably influence hearing loss. Hearing loss rates are closely tied to how often one uses hearing protection…
Featured image for “Why Pretending to Hear Doesn’t Help”

Why Pretending to Hear Doesn’t Help

Have you ever been in a social setting where you are struggling to understand or keep up with the conversation?…
Featured image for “Know Alzheimer’s Disease: Treat Hearing Loss in September during World Alzheimer’s Month”

Know Alzheimer’s Disease: Treat Hearing Loss in September during World Alzheimer’s Month

September is World Alzheimer’s Month! Started in 2012, this global awareness and advocacy campaign focuses on challenging the stigma associated…
Featured image for “A Brief History of Hearing Loss”

A Brief History of Hearing Loss

An estimated 48 million people in the U.S. have some degree of hearing loss. This is nearly 1 in 5…
Featured image for “Going Digital with Your Hearing Aids”

Going Digital with Your Hearing Aids

Technology is making life easier. From smartphone apps to computers, smartwatches to Fitbits, we use digital technology every day. Hearing…
Featured image for “Reduce the Risk of Falls by Treating Hearing Loss”

Reduce the Risk of Falls by Treating Hearing Loss

Every 11 seconds, an adult in the United States visits the emergency room due to a fall injury, making accidental…
Featured image for “March 3 is World Hearing Day: Hearing Care for All”

March 3 is World Hearing Day: Hearing Care for All

Each year, the World Health Organization puts together a worldwide campaign for hearing health to celebrate World Hearing Day. 2021…
Featured image for “Everyday Noises that Could Cause Hearing Loss”

Everyday Noises that Could Cause Hearing Loss

Emergency sirens and loud fireworks aren’t the only sounds that can harm your hearing. There are a number of everyday…