Going Digital with Your Hearing AidsTechnology is making life easier. From smartphone apps to computers, smartwatches to Fitbits, we use digital technology every day. Hearing…
Difficulties with Communication Could Signal Hearing LossHearing loss is one of the most common chronic medical conditions that people navigate today. Nearly 48 million people experience…
Dealing with Noise Pollution in Your Neighborhood We are constantly absorbing and processing different sounds throughout the day. From waking up with the help of an alarm,…
How Hearing Aids Can Change Your LifeWearing hearing aids can transform your daily life and health. Communication is part of the foundation that shapes our lives.…
How Treating Hearing Loss Supports Your BrainDid you know that healthy hearing is deeply connected to cognitive wellness? It is one of many ways that your…
Why You Should Treat Bilateral Hearing Loss with Two Hearing AidsWhen you are considering the best treatment options for your hearing loss, it is important to understand how your hearing…
Building Connections | May is Better Hearing and Speech MonthMay is here, and after a year unlike any other, Better Hearing and Speech Month has also arrived. This year,…
Monitoring Your Daily Exposure to NoiseBy far the most common cause of permanent hearing loss is based on our exposure to dangerously loud noise. Noise-related…
A Possible Link Between Exercise & Reduced Risk for Hearing LossNobody goes to the gym to tone their ears, but new research is showing that regular exercise can, in fact,…
Myths about Hearing LossHearing loss is incredibly common, and yet, misinformation about the condition abounds. From recognizing when hearing loss is occurring to…