Featured image for “Musicians & Hearing Loss”

Musicians & Hearing Loss

Many occupations have a risk of hearing loss, and our minds go immediately to industrial and manufacturing jobs with very…
Featured image for “Going Digital with Your Hearing Aids   ”

Going Digital with Your Hearing Aids   

Hearing aids have become much more sophisticated in the last twenty years. Today’s devices are smaller, more reliable, and more…
Featured image for “Dealing with Noise Pollution in Your Neighborhood      ”

Dealing with Noise Pollution in Your Neighborhood      

We want our home to be a sanctuary. Although we live in our lives with constant turmoil and commotion, our…
Featured image for “How Treating Hearing Loss Helps Your Mental Health         ”

How Treating Hearing Loss Helps Your Mental Health         

Many people fail to acknowledge the existence of hearing loss in their lives. That could be chalked to several different…
Featured image for “Earbud Use Could Harm Your Hearing”

Earbud Use Could Harm Your Hearing

When we think of the causes of hearing loss, our minds go immediately to very loud sounds. Some of us…
Featured image for “Improving Communication with Your Family”

Improving Communication with Your Family

If you are a family member of someone with hearing loss, you understand the struggle that day-to-day communication can become.…
Featured image for “Q&A About Hearing Loss”

Q&A About Hearing Loss

If you are coming to the realization that you might have hearing loss, you are certainly not alone. Many people…
Featured image for “Hearing Loss & Fatigue”

Hearing Loss & Fatigue

Do you find that you have to ask the people in your life to repeat themselves more than normal? Are…
Featured image for “Everyday Activities That Harm Your Hearing”

Everyday Activities That Harm Your Hearing

The world is a diverse soundscape full of music, birds chirping and wind blowing through the trees. Sounds can be…
Featured image for “Communication At Work: May is Better Hearing and Speech Month!”

Communication At Work: May is Better Hearing and Speech Month!

When someone struggles to hear, they also struggle to communicate. It can be extremely challenging to respond to the world…